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coinIX Newsletter – Q3 2024

Hamburg, 7 November 2024 – We are delighted to share our latest newsletter with you. In this edition, we reflect on the past few months and provide key insights into our ongoing developments and market outlook. We hope you find the newsletter both informative and enjoyable...

coinIX Newsletter - Q2 2024

Hamburg, 26 July, 2024 - We are pleased to send you our latest newsletter today. In this newsletter, we take a look back at the past few months and share important insights into our current developments and market assessments. We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter and look forward to your valuable feedback...

coinIX Newsletter: Q1 2024

Hamburg, April 29, 2024 - We are pleased to send you our latest newsletter today. In this newsletter, we take a look back at the past few months and share important insights into our current developments and market assessments. Additionally, we would like to introduce you to Nexus Network, our latest investment, as well as provide a detailed profile of our portfolio company, Frictionless Markets...

coinIX Newsletter, Q4 2023

Hamburg, January 30, 2024 -Dear Shareholders, Dear friends of coinIX, We are pleased to send you our latest newsletter today. In this newsletter, we take a look back at the past year 2023, focusing on the last quarter, and share important insights into our current developments and market assessments. Additionally, we would like to present you with a detailed portrait of our portfolio company, Crypto Index Series...

coinIX Newsletter, August 2023

Hamburg, 6 September 2023 - Dear Shareholders, Dear Friends of coinIX, Today, we would like to share the coinIX newsletter with you. In this newsletter, we take a look back at the past months and share important insights into our current developments and market assessments. Additionally, we would like to introduce our latest SAFT investment and provide a detailed portrait of our portfolio company, asvin...

coinIX Newsletter, April 2023

April 2023, Dear shareholders, dear friends of coinIX, Today we would like to share the coinIX Newsletter and give you a viewpoint of the former months. In our Update, you will find a report of all the conferences that coinIX has taken part in, our assessment of the market situation and information about the...

coinIX Update, February 2023

February 13, 2023 Dear shareholders,  dear friends of coinIX,   Today we would like to share coinIX Update and look back at the former months. In our Update, you will find our assessment of the market situation and information about the...

coinIX Quarterly Update Q2 2022

July 15, 2022 Dear shareholders, Dear friends of coinIX, Today we would like to send you our Quarterly Update and look back at the second quarter of this year. The past months have been quite turbulent, in particular in the crypto market...


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