Hamburg, 1. August, 2023 - The annual general meeting of coinIX GmbH & Co. KGaA was held yesterday at the Steigenberger Hotel Hamburg. The agenda covered essential topics, which shareholders discussed and voted upon.
Moritz Schildt started the meeting by providing an overview of the agenda. The Supervisory Board presented the approved annual financial statements, which were conveniently accessible on the company’s website and available during the meeting.
Felix Krekel discussed the capital markets and market drivers in 2022, shedding light on the developments of coinIX over the past year. He shared valuable insights into the company’s profit and loss account, as well as portfolio diversification aspects. To conclude his presentation, he compared the price development of Bitocin with that of coinIX shares.
Karl Gero Wendeborn began his speech by delving into the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies. He touched upon significant market dramas, such as Nuri, Celsius, Terra, and FTX collapses. Gero then explained the steady increase in the business value of Blockchain venture capitals, highlighting its potential to revolutionize various industries. He proceeded to showcase the current status of blockchain adoption and introduced our equity and SAFT investments in 2022. Gero wrapped up his presentation by reviewing coinIX investment categories and discussing some of the notable investments made in 2023.
The shareholders engaged in the discussions and actively voted on various crucial points. The meeting was a resounding success, with unanimous acceptance of all proposed resolutions.
We expresses sincere gratitude to all shareholders for their valuable participation and unwavering trust. As we anticipate the business year 2023, coinIX stands in a strong position, filled with excitement for a thriving and prosperous future. You can find the voting result of the Annual General Meeting (Here).
About coinIX
coinIX GmbH & Co KGaA, based in Hamburg, is a listed investment company and has been investing in the broad spectrum of blockchain innovation since 2017. This includes the next level of digitalization in traditional industries, as well as new fields such as Decentralized Finance (DeFi) or NFT/Metaverse projects. For this purpose, coinIX invests in equity of startups, early token projects and liquid cryptocurrencies. It offers a listed share that is traded on the open market of the Düsseldorf Stock Exchange (WKN: A2LQ1G | ISIN: DE000A2LQ1G5 | Ticker: XCX).